Wondering why your car insurance costs what it does? Car insurance premiums are based on several factors that insurers use to assess risk. Here’s what you need to know to understand — and potentially lower — your premium.
Driving Record: A clean driving history often means lower premiums. If you’ve had accidents or violations, you may pay more, as insurers consider past incidents a risk indicator.
Vehicle Type: The kind of car you drive matters. High-performance or luxury vehicles usually cost more to insure due to higher repair costs and theft risk.
Location: Your area affects rates, too. Living in regions with higher accident rates or crime levels can increase premiums.
Coverage Level: Higher coverage limits and add-ons (like comprehensive or collision) raise premiums, though they offer more protection.
Age and Experience: Younger, less experienced drivers generally pay more, while experienced drivers may benefit from lower rates.
Understanding premium factors can make all the difference. Contact us today for a personalized quote and see how you can optimize your coverage and costs!
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